Unemployment Trends
Unemployment rate is defined as the percentage of the total labor forces that are unemployment but searching for work. Unemployment trend in Colombia in the last year had been increased in 0,3% compared to 2015. The January- December period closed in 9,2%.
According with DANE (Departamento administrativo nacional de estadistica) in 2016, the number of people who got a job was 22.156.000.
Looking the graphics, in the last 6 years the highest unemployment rate was in 2011 with a percentage of 9,8 and the lowest was in 2013 with a percentage of 8,4.
Furthermore, the lowest cities' unemployment rate were Bucaramanga (8,2%), Barranquilla (7,3%) y Santa Marta (8,2%). However the highest were Quibdó (15,4%), Cúcuta (13,8%) y Armenia (14,2%).
In conclusion, unemployment trens are having a increase in Colombia.