Number of high school and college graduates by geographic area
The number of graduates let us know how is our country in academic terms and how people are being trained to go out to work.
As regards the areas most demanded by students knowledge, observatorio nacional highlighted that between these years, 31.3% of 1'381.761 titles (ie 425,895) were awarded in academic programs related to economy, administration and accounting. 23.7% of the shares (323,303) are related to the areas of engineering, architecture, urbanism and related; 18.5% (252,116) in social and human sciences; 11.1% (150,902) in science education; 9% (123,180) in health sciences; 3.3% (44,706) in fine arts; 1.6% (21,698) in basic sciences and 1.4% (19,548) in agriculture and veterinary medicine.
In order to perform an analysis and see what happens to graduates of higher education, the opinion they have on the training and know about its links to the labor market and the quality of employment, the Ministry of Education made the call 'monitoring Survey graduates' whose data represent the situation of 125,924 undergraduate graduates.
Of the respondents, 61.2% of graduates in 2014 (and who have worked more than one year) of technical programs is currently working, and 72.3% of technologists and 73.4% of university. 18.9%, 14.7% and 8.8%, respectively, is studying; while 13.6%, 9.3% and 13.7%, are seeking employment. 7.3%, 3.7% and 4.5% of respondents professionals in these respective levels of training are devoted to household chores or other activities.