Average Level of Education
The average level of education in Colombia is of 8,6 years taken and it must be 10,6. For this to happen the ministry needs that the actual rate of failing the academic year 6% decreases to 3%. This variable affect our industry since we want to offer a high-quality service to our customers and for that we need well prepared employees with good level of education.
Los tres niveles de educación formal son: Preescolar, educación básica primaria y básica secundaria, y educación media.
La educación formal se organiza en tres niveles:
a) El preescolar, que comprenderá mínimo un grado obligatorio
b) La educación básica, con una duración de nueve grados que se desarrollará en dos ciclos: La educación básica primaria de cinco grados y la educación básica secundaria de cuatro grados
c) La educación media con una duración de dos grados.
The level of education in Colombia has increased through the years, but it is important for young people to reach a higher education level, not just middle school, which is the common level of education for Colombian population.